Act! Software is better in the cloud.
Remote Tech Group is the most advanced Act! Hosting provider in the US. Period. Our team of dedicated Act! consultants and network engineers keep your users connected, no matter where they are. Plus setup is so easy and you can be up and running in hours, not days.
Remote Tech Group specializes in providing superior service and support to small and mid-sized businesses. We offer both online and offline connectivity to match the way each of your users works, individually.
You also get ActCloudPortal, the powerful control panel interface that other Act! hosting companies can’t provide. WithActCloudPortal, you control your database on our servers and avoid those hidden “consulting fees”, whenever you need to make changes to your system. It’s DIY compatible all the way, with 24/7 customer support if needed.
Check out our great Act! hosting features, all standard with any Remote Tech Group hosting plan:
- Free 30 Day Trial
- No long term contracts
- Free ActCloudPortal Account
- Nightly Maintenance
- Business Hours Support
- USA Based Support Staff
- MAC Support Specialists

RTG is an authorized partner of ACT, providing a family of hosting & training Solutions for Act!
Act! Hosting Services
Eliminate the burden of deploying and administering Act! on your network by your staff. You’ll reduce your hardware and IT costs because your Act! solution is being maintained and backed up at a secure off-site location. Learn More >
We specialize in providing superior service and support to small and mid-sized businesses. Plus, our entire company (including support personnel) is based in the USA. Learn More >
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RTG Re-Launched!
Welcome to the new and improved RTG website! Our new look and feel is designed to make your experience with RTG even better than before and streamline the services that we offer to you. Whether you’re a current or future client, now interacting with RTG is easier than ever.If you’re a potential customer looking to learn what RTG is all about, make sure your next stop is our FAQ page, which provides all the details as to how we work for you.
Superior Service, Simple Pricing
At RTG, we aim to deliver the most up-to-date contact management solutions in the cloud to make your business operations faster and simpler. With those goals in mind, we’ve even modified our pricing model to make acquiring our hosting services faster and simpler, too. Our ACT! Sync & Web hosting solution is now at one flat rate of $35 per user. Period. This makes budgeting our services as easy as possible for you and your business – no equations, scales, or surprises to your bottom line.
Q:Why should I upgrade my version of ACT!?
A:Have you recently upgraded your PC to IE9 or IE10 and realized you can’t get into your version of Act For Web?
A:Wanting to access your contact on your smart phone via a HTML5 version of ACT!?
A:Thinking about buying a Windows 8 PC?
A:Is your PC getting old and out of warranty and you may be forced to upgrade to Windows 8 due to a hardware failure?